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Exciting new varieties plants to look out for

Will these be on your shopping list this year?

I’ve been on a lot of my travels this past year and had a wonderful time at the Royal FloraHolland trade show in the Netherlands, where there really was something for everyone. So in this issue, I’m looking forward to the New Year with some bright new houseplants, shrubs and even a beautiful new cut flower. All of these items should be arriving in garden centres sometime in 2025, so why not clip and save the pictures you like so you can find them soon.

1. Lilium ‘Tropical Dragon’ (Parrot Lily)

When I’m hunting for plants, sometimes I can get really distracted when I come across a gem. This absolute beauty was hiding in the corner of a lily display and I was very lucky to find it. This variety is called Tropical Dragon, but I like to call it Parrot Lily because the curly petals have a parrot tulip-like appearance and rainbow colors. Absolutely stunning, I think it will hit the cut flower market first, but if we shout loudly, they may let us buy a few bulbs too.

2. Photinia x fraseri Magical Volcano ('Kolmaoga')

From the same family as the popular hedging plant Red Robin, this new Photinia has the most glorious bronze leaves. It is primarily released as a cut stem, making it a wonderful addition to bouquets. Magical Volcano would make a wonderful shrub for borders, imagine how you could combine that shiny brown color with your favorite flowers.

3. Pelargonium 'Yelnia'

It's not always about the new plants when you're looking for amazing things to grow. This variety has been on the market for a few years, but it caught my attention during my trade show visit due to the size of its flowers. 'Yelenia' is a high-quality pelargonium from the German breeding company Selecta, and the flowers are large, puffy, almost like a hibiscus.

4. Petunia 'Caliburst Petunia Yellow'

In case you haven't heard, for a few years now, breeders have been crossbreeding petunias with Calibrachoa (known as 'Million Bells' in the 90s), and this Calibrachoa series combines all those qualities. Also sold as 'Caliburst Yellow', they have large flowers like petunias, but with the tough resistance of Calibrachoa. And this yellow is divine. The best news is that it is available to grow from seed, so it represents a very good value.

5. Peppers from Heaven

Prudac is a wonderful vegetable company in the Netherlands, they always show you something that will surprise you. These peppers have very unusual stems, meaning you can grow them in a window box or hanging basket. Crunchy and available in a variety of colors, they have the potential to revolutionize the way people grow vegetables in urban areas.

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