Hardy geraniums provide us with months of flowers One reason hardy geraniums are so popular is that they have many uses. There are varieties for sun or shade, for wet soil and dry soil, for rich soil and poor soil. There are dwarf and small varieties for the front of the border, large and shrubby varieties for the middle ground, and ground covers that have long-lasting attractive color and suppress weed growth. 1. G. 'Anne Folgard' AGM The young leaves are a vibrant golden-green, later turning green, and the magenta flowers have beautiful black veins with a thick black eye. Spreads widely from the crown, but then dies back in winter. Will spread to nearby shrubs. G. Hybrid of the xylostemon variety. Good for: Full sun. Hardiness: RHS H7. Height: 1 ft 10 in (50 cm). Also try 'Anne Thompson' (similar, but less vigorous). 2. G. Sanguinium 'Max Free' Low and bushy, with finely fingered leaves, turning red in autumn, covering the spreading roots. Light m...
Organic gardening and pest and diseases management, weed management, vegetables, and fruit organic cultivation, and Terrace garden