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The bluffer’s guide to Soil

1. Shade and dry

This is a difficult garden area that involves establishing plants and Only a certain number of people survive without water.

Growing tips

Before planting, dig a deep hole filled with compost and soak the root ball of the plant thoroughly. Water weekly until new plants grow. Under deciduous trees, plant spring-blooming bulbs such as cyclamen, anemones, snowdrops and narcissi. Create a ground cover of foliage to retain moisture.

In spring and hot weather, soak the ground thoroughly every ten days - this encourages deep root penetration, whereas irrigation.

Produces small and often weak, shallow-rooted plants. If planting in terracotta pots, line them with plastic to retain moisture in the heat, and add moisture-retaining gel granules to the compost. Dig in organic matter to retain soil moisture and mulch heavily with a thick layer of bark chippings in spring.

2. Heavy wet clay

Easy to recognize as sticky and lumpy when wet Drains poorly, but rocks hard and cracks in full sun.

Growing tips

Improve drainage by digging in horticultural stones, sharp sand or fine gravel dug from freshwater sources - about one bucket per square meter. After digging deep, create raised beds at least 25 cm high for plants that cannot survive with wet roots, retaining brick walls or wooden beams. Fill with soil, and topsoil rich in rotted organic matter (clay).

Mulch with compost in spring to retain moisture and reduce surface cracking. This soil is rich in nutrients and suitable for late flowering Perennials like helenium, aster and bergamot. If an area is permanently wet, it is because of a high water table or near it In spring, consider a 'poke garden' with large leafy plants such as canera.

3. Sand and free drainage

These soils lack sufficient moisture and nutrients All but the most hardy plants in hot summer.

Growing tips

To give the plants the best start, pour compost over each one Planting hole to depth of spade head. Weeds should be kept is tightly controlled. For minimal maintenance, cover the earth with a waterproof, semi-permeable membrane and protect it with stakes.Cut slits for planting through. After planting, cover the membrane with gravel to a depth of 3 cm.

Mediterranean plants such as rosemary and lavender cope well and survive in poor soil. Their small, waxy leaves minimize moisture loss. As the soil is dry and warm in early spring, they can Suitable for sowing early vegetable crops. Fine particles are inside Sandy soil, it retains water. With such soil, you can expect very healthy plants

4. Hot and sunny

These are areas like south facing beds or borders Full heat of the sun all year round.

Growing tips

Easily grow ground cover plants such as nasturtiums or osteospermum to shade and cool the surface of your soil. Sunny plots are ideal for many herbaceous favorites – for example, roses, bergamot and tobacco plants. They are also perfect Warm-colored soft exotics like cannas and ginger lilies, however, can be grown in large plastic pots that are sunk into the beds in the spring, but lifted in the fall and overwintered in a greenhouse to avoid frost.

Run a tube with small holes punched along its length through the bed to moisten the soil in the evening when needed, especially in hot weather. To add height and structure over winter, train tender climbers such as abutilon or flame creeper up to obelisks.


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