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cyclamen large-flowered potted plants

 When most people think of cyclamen

 They conjure up images of the large-flowered potted plants that are now found in garden centres. They are bought by the millions and used to brighten up our homes, pots and patios at Christmas time. But there is another group of cyclamen - the hardy varieties with small, pretty flowers. For my money, they are much prettier - and more interesting - than the larger potted hybrids. Most of the hardy varieties grow to around 10cm (4in) or so tall. This makes them well suited to spaces under trees

Rock gardens and front cyclamen clumps - this common species offers a range of colours from the pink/magenta flowers of the Pewter Group to the bright white 'Colon Heights' varieties.

Beds and borders, along the tops of walls and in scree beds. They are ideal for growing in small pots, set up in well-ventilated, unheated greenhouses - known to enthusiasts as 'alpine houses'. But, of course, they create a colorful carpet in any small area, and they thrive favorably in heavy shade - full sun does not significantly reduce their flowering. They do not mind a little dryness at the roots, and because of this trait they seem more at home under large trees, where the canopy keeps the soil on the dry side.

If you plan, as can be seen from the hardy cyclamen calendar carefully, you can have outdoor or cool greenhouse cyclamen in bloom all year round. Let's look at some of the main

cyclamen species.

1. Cyclamen coum

This is the most frequently seen species, and it is similar in appearance to C. heterifolium (see below). It is best in mid to late winter, and manages to keep its flowers for three months. The pointed buds openin light or dark pink, or white. Look for the Pewter group, which carries pink to magenta flowers. The flowers of 'Colon Heights' are pure white, and 'Tilborn Elizabeth' has small pale pink flowers with deep pink edges.

Most have rounded leaves, plain dark red underneath, and a beautiful silver and green pattern on top - sometimes with a Christmas tree-like pattern in the center. Although the plants are hardy, the leaves can be damaged by severe frost.

2. Cyclamen hederifolium

It flowers from late summer, and produces color until Christmas. The first flowers often open after rain, and they always appear before the leaves. There are white and pale deep pink patterns, and the flowers are sometimes fragrant. A great attraction of this cyclamen is the variety of patterns and the marbled, spotted and silvery leaves - no two are the same.

'Red Sky' is a new form with deep purple flowers. 'Silver Cloud' has particularly nice silver markings on the leaves; it also has delicate-looking pink flowers. 'Album' has white flowers; C. hederifolium Silver Leaved Group has evergreen silver markings and C.hederifolium var. confusum has sugar pink flowers and bright green thick, fleshy leaves, which are especially glossy underneath.

3. Cyclamen intaminatum

Usually has white flowers, although they occasionally turn pale pink. This is a small growing species, and its heart-shaped leaves can be plain and patterned. The plant is small, so it should be grown in a pot to be appreciated. Flowers appear in July and can continue until November (although I did bloom at Christmas a few years ago). 'Rosium' has soft pink flowers, with dark pink veins.

4. Cyclamen mirabile

This has heart-shaped leaves. They are medium green above and purple below. The thin, pale pink flowers appear throughout the fall, with maroon markings on the edge of the petals and mouth. It is not a very hardy species and is best grown in pots in a well-ventilated, unheated greenhouse.

5. Cyclamen graecum

The flowers of this beauty appear in the fall. Colors range from pale pink to dark purple-pink, but there is also a pure white form. The leaves appear late - during or after flowering - depending on the weather. Speaking of which, the flowers can be affected if there is a severe frost; for this reason, C. graecum is an excellent candidate for growing in an alpine house, where it will be cold, but not icy.

6. Cyclamen purpurascens

A very hardy plant, it prefers a humusrich soil that does not allow it to dry out in summer. It needs some shade from the summer sun. The flowers appear from mid-summer to late autumn. It is often grown as a potted plant in a cool greenhouse. Commonly known as the 'purple cyclamen', its flowers range from rose pink to red purple, and are highly fragrant.

7. Cyclamen albino

The alpine cyclamen blooms in early spring, its colors ranging from white to pink to deep carmine purple. The flowers have a pleasant primrose scent. The leaves, which appear in autumn, are round to slightly heart-shaped, and have a sort of green 'Christmas tree' shape in the center.

A few cultivars are named for specific flower colors or bright leaf patterns. Although it is a frost-hardy cyclamen, it does not do well in gardens in England, perhaps because our summers are so wet compared to the plant's natural habitat - in the highlands bordering the Mediterranean.


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