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Social media gardening myths. . .DEBUNKED!

If your feed is anything like mine, you will receive regular updatesmGardening information every time you look at your phone. Manyn These articles, memes and posts are mostly good or at least harmless. But some ideas that keep popping up are useless or dangerous to you or your plants. Here are some ridiculous social media myths we should all avoid sharing

1. Oil and vinegar kill weeds.

Homemade herbicides have been making the rounds on social media since I first got on Facebook 15 years ago. All of the household herbicides you see include vinegar or oils that kill plants more quickly and "naturally" than something like Roundup. The problem is that vinegar and oil kill quickly By burning the tops of a plant, they don't kill the entire plant, so the weeds grow back on the roots. Of course, very small plants can be killed completely, but this is the exception rather than the rule. A final The problem with vinegar and oil is that they are extremely dangerous to amphibians, reptiles, insects and other creatures that inhabit our gardens. Pulling weeds by hand is a much safer bet.

2. Ground vegetables make excellent compost.

There are numerous recipes that involve mixing potatoes, tomatoes, onion skins, lemons, lentils, and other plant materials with water, grinding them, and using them as fertilizer for plants. Usually the solid parts are filtered off and the liquid is applied to the soil or directly to the soil leaf This practice is not so bad as it is wasteful. All of these organic materials make a wonderful addition to a healthy compostWhy go to the trouble of having the tank partially extract a few nutrients and throw away the rest? It's just stupid and pointless.

3. Spicy, home-brewed concoctions keep insects away from plants.

Everyone seems to have a "secret" recipe for homemade insecticide that they're willing to share with the entire Internet. Ingredients like garlic, hot peppers, and tobacco are gaining attention on social media as cures for pest problems, but these claims are not based on science. Yes, some of these compounds may contain some. The effect on insects, but it will be small and short-lived. Depending on what's in them, homemade sprays can damage your plants by burning them or harm you. Hot pepper and garlic mist in the eye, anyone? If you want to use safe pest control

The best option is to purchase sprays, commercial insecticidal soaps, or horticultural oils. These products are specially formulated to be tough on insects and safe for your plants and you.

4. Brewing compost tea is worth your time.

Extolling the virtues of many posts I've seen lately Composting is not ranked. There are many different types of composting, and most are absolutely wonderful. From vermicomposting (using worms to break down table scraps) to cold composting An easy way to pile up food scraps, leaves, and other organic matter and let nature do its thing), there's a style of composting that works for almost everyone. However, the extraction and application of "compost tea" adds an unnecessary step to the composting process and can introduce harmful microorganisms into the mix. Compost is full of nutrients desirable to both beneficial and harmful microbes, and research shows that brewing a batch of tea can increase the number of pathogens like salmonella and E. coli. Even for experienced compost enthusiasts, this practice has more disadvantages than advantages and should be avoided

5. Ice cubes are an easy way to water orchids.

There is a group of people, including some academics, Those who think ice cubes are the perfect alternative to water jasmine It is recommended to keep these ice cubes on top Permissive medium after orchid planting Cubes melt, thereby slowly fitting Water quantity for plants. It sounds good, and then some People have certainly succeeded in this method. Here At the UNC Charlotte Botanical Garden, we have It has been found that orchids lose water slowly in this way About six months, the temperature of the ice cubes may be due. Best way to irrigate Take the jasmine in a sink and pour warm water over itRoots for a minute or once a week. One Orchids in stagnant water You should never do sit-ups.

6. Rocks improve pot drainage.

A more common recommendation is to place rocks, pottery shards, or other small, heavy objects in the bottom of a pot. If your container is made of lightweight materials or is in an area subject to frequent wind damage, it may be beneficial to place heavier items at the bottom of the container. However, rocks do not improve container drainage and instead actually raise the water table within the pot. Water accumulates in the soil above the rock layer, affecting drainage. So skip the rocks and pottery shards and focus on finding the best soilless mix for the plants you're growing.


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