Yellow Flowers
It's not often that a new genre goes mainstream. In 2021 we received Ladybird Sunglo Texas Primrose from Proven Winners as a test plant and it quickly proved itself to be a winner. Its pure, radiant yellow flowers effortlessly add brightness to the garden. These four-petalled, 2-inch-wide flowers float among soft, feathery green leaves. As the flowers fade, they turn deep yellow and apricot, increasing attractiveness. They are self-cleaning and bloom profusely throughout the summer without any intervention, attracting bees, birds and butterflies. Ladybird Sunglo's delicate needle-like foliage provides a Interesting structure in low growing form.
The common name Texas primrose comes from the genus Callilobus, native to Texas and in the same family as our own genus Oenothera. Texas primroses are native to the Southwest and grow in forested areas that experience periods of low humidity and drought, but the ladybird sungloe doesn't miss a beat in Tennessee's humidity. This selection works well when planted in the ground at the front of a border or spilled over the edge of a container. It grows best with six or more hours of sunlight and well-drained average to loamy soil. Heat tolerant, drought tolerant and deer resistant, ladybird sunglo is generally free of insects and other problems. The only reason it fails is poorly drained soil or overwatering. In container plantings and beds, Ladybird® Sunglo blends beautifully with other low-water-use plants, such as Soiree Kawaii series vinca (Catharanthus cvs., zones 10–11), Crystal™ White zinnia (Zinnia angustifolia 'Crystal White', annual), and Augusta™ Lavender heliotrope (Heliotropium 'WNHPAULAV', zones 8–11). When you grow it in containers, treat this Texas primrose as you would
Most others don't require much water. Apply a dose of slow-release plant food at planting time and a water-soluble fertilizer once or twice during the growing season to keep plants from blooming all summer. In areas with a long growing season, cut back on ladybirds Sunglo about a third if it starts to falter a bit. It will encourage new growth with more flowers and a well-branched form. Although it is listed as hardy to zone 8 (10° to 15°F), the original planting at the University of Tennessee at Jackson (zone 7)
Come back every spring since planting in 2021, even if temperatures drop below 0°F. Well-drained soil is important for overwintering this plant, especially in marginal areas. Add Ladybird Sunglow to your garden and it's sure to brighten up your summer
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