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5 Ways to Test Your Soil's pH at Home

Most people know that soil pH is how acidic or alkaline your soil is. Soils naturally have a wide range of pH values, and most From 3.5, it is very acidic, to 10, it is very alkaline. Most garden plants prefer neutral to slightly acidic soil pH value is 6.5 to 7.

The main reason most plants thrive in the neutral zone is that most plant nutrients are readily accessible within this range. For example, nitrogen is less available below 5.5 and above 8. When soil pH drops outside of those numbers, it becomes more difficult for plant roots to access that essential nutrient. Of course, acid-loving plants like magnolias (Magnolia spp. and cvs., zones 3-9) and forsythia (Forsythia spp. and cvs., zones 4-9) prefer alkaline soils. . If possible, it's best to grow plants that thrive in your area's native pH, but if your soil is too acidic or basic for the plants you want to grow, they won't be able to take up nutrients well unless you amend the soil. pH to bring it within its optimum range. For this reason, it is important to measure and understand the pH of your soil.

For an accurate measurement of soil pH, it is best to collect a soil sample and submit it to a soil testing laboratory. If an initial assessment has not been done, now is a good time to get a full laboratory analysis of your soil. Soil testing can often be done for under $20 per sample, and results are available in a few weeks. Most lab experts recommend having your soil's pH (and nutrient availability) tested every two to five years by a lab, even if it has naturally fallen within the ideal range in the past. However, if you are managing soil with a pH that needs to be raised or lowered once a year, it is necessary to test it more often. In this case, it is recommended that gardeners assess their pH with a home test each spring. Given the number of options available, monitoring and testing soil pH from home is easy and inexpensive. The following are five simple testing methods you can use on your kitchen countertop.


There are many pH test probes on the market. One of these benefits The tools are easy to use. You insert the probe into the soil, wait several minutes, and then read the result. It saves time because you don't have to collect soil samples, but it's not as accurate as lab testing. Most analog pH probes measure more than one soil factor and include a moisture meter among other options. Prices range from $7 to $30.


One of the oldest and most accurate methods of assessing soil pH at home is pH test strips. To use these strips, you must collect a soil sample and mix it with distilled water; This is a time consuming method. The strips change colors to report pH, so it's important that you match the color accurately. The results are Usually ready in a minute. This method is much cheaper, costing about $12 for 100 strips.


Digital pH meters provide the same information as analog pH probes, but because they provide a specific number, they are easier to read and you don't have to read the result on a dial. Some users believe that analog meters are more accurate, but generally a high-quality digital reader should give you a strong ballpark figure of your pH. Digital pH meters range from $20 to $100.


Also known as the vinegar and baking soda method, this pH test can be done with ingredients in your kitchen pantry. First take the soil sample and divide it into two jars. Add enough distilled water to the soil to make a slurry with the consistency of a milkshake. Add baking soda to a jar and mix. Then add vinegar in another and mix. If the baking soda mixture bubbles, you may have acidic soil; If the vinegar mixture bubbles, you may have alkaline soil. This method is used as an initial estimate of your soil's pH or as an educational activity


Many companies offer soil testing kits that allow gardeners to take their own sample and then send it (usually in a bag included with the test) to the company, which is usually ready in a week or two. It is best to check reviews online as these testing companies have different methods, turnaround times and specials. Mail test kits range from $15 to $60 per sample.


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