Complementary colors create bold Need a pick-me-up for your shade garden? Check out these two combos that will enhance any shady border with color and texture from spring to fall. If your garden gets less than 8 hours of sunlight, it can be challenging to find plants that thrive there. Check out these colorful shade garden combos that add greenery to any dark corner of your yard. Home Garden Bright color for shade gardens Complementary colors create bold contrasts that are sometimes harsh on the eye. But these colors always look good in a shady garden. If you avoid using cool colors in shade because they get lost in the shade, back them up with electric chartreuses of 'Aureola' hakonechloa and 'Sun King' aralia. The purple flowers stand out against the yellow leaves. This combo is perfect for an area that gets morning sun and afternoon shade. 'Diana Lavender Mix' dianthus is often sold in packages and small pots with annual flowers , but it is har...
Organic gardening and pest and diseases management, weed management, vegetables, and fruit organic cultivation, and Terrace garden