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3 Tips for Landscaping Around Trees to Beautify Your Yard

Tips for Landscaping Around Trees 

Maybe you're lucky enough to have mature shade trees in your yard, or maybe you even planted one. However, they add much beauty and other benefits in themselves in addition to the valuable shade. But there are some simple ways to make them shine even more in your landscape. While the limbs and leaves fill the overhead space, there is often a hollow area around their trunks that should not be ignored. Landscaping under trees creates a more complete look for the yard while protecting the tree trunk and roots. The best part? These landscaping hacks are inexpensive, easy to do, and look great year after year.

1. Add the right plants

Shade trees block enough sunlight below their canopies to make them more challenging to grow under. However, plenty of hardy, shade-loving plants appreciate a shelter under a tree, whether in a small flower bed, trunk or more extensive shade garden.

Good choices include colorful annuals like impatiens and coleus, or flowering perennials like astilbe or coralbells. When deciding what to put around the trees, choose nursery containers rather than large ones. Not only will you save some money, but it will also be easier to plant without damaging the tree's roots. Spring bulbs are a great way to add color around deciduous trees, because in the spring when the trees leaf out and block the light, the bulbs go dormant anyway.

2. Layer on mulch

Mulching around the tree is essential. Mulch can be more than just wood chips—shredded bark, pine straw, and even gravel work well. Use the same type and color of mulch throughout your landscape to create a unified aesthetic. Repeated mulching around flowering plants and trees gives the landscape a cohesive and clean look.

Besides giving everything a neat look, why is mulch a good choice for surrounding trees? First, it protects tree trunks from damage by lawn equipment. The circle around the tree trunk reminds you how far away from the trunk you should be when cutting and cutting, so you don't accidentally hit it.

Mulch helps insulate the soil from temperature extremes. A 2- to 4-inch layer will help keep the soil warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This protects tender roots from heat stress, which is especially important for young trees. Additionally, it slows down evaporation of water in sunny locations, so plants stay hydrated longer. Mulch can help reduce slope erosion and naturally prevent weeds from sprouting.

3. Use garden accents

In addition to mulch and shade-loving plants, landscaping under trees includes some garden accents to fill empty spaces. Large, smooth rocks add a natural element to the area and help keep weeds at bay. You can also use natural lighting under trees for a nighttime accent to create shadows and shadows. Place small container gardens outdoors to add height and contrast, or add a fairy garden or toad house for a whimsical touch.

Spacing around tree trunks requires some attention. These tips can quickly and easily turn the area around a tree into a visual focal point in the landscape. This not only emphasizes the beauty of the tree, but also helps keep the tree healthy so it can be a part of your yard for decades.

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