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Showing posts from October, 2022

Home garden - Spider plant Benefits

 7 Incredible Spider Plant Benefits Also known as ribbon plant, airplane plant, St. Bernard's lily, spider ivy, spider plant is one of the most popular houseplants. They can add a lot of life and color to any room. Thanks to their beautiful appearance, easy-to-grow and pet-friendly characteristics, they are loved by many homeowners. They grow well in soil and water with little care. When planted in pots, containers and hanging baskets they look stunning and beautiful! Growing them will not only make your home beautiful but also clean with their amazing benefits proven by science. They are wonderful air purifying plants that clean the air and remove toxins from the surroundings like formaldehyde, benzene and other toxic fumes. They also absorb ozone and absorb carbon dioxide, while increasing humidity in your home. After reading the post, you will definitely become a fan of this houseplant. Read on to learn more! 1 Low maintenance plant The spider plant grows best in neg

Climbers - Yellow Flowers

 10 Beautiful Climbing Plants With Yellow Flowers Yellow-flowered climbing plants stand out with their beautiful blooms and can be a jaw-dropping addition to any garden or landscape design added to a chain link fence or porch post. In the post, we've collected 10 beautiful climbing plants with yellow flowers for a cheerful, bold pop of color that will surprise everyone visiting your home and bring relaxation and comfort. Not only are these yellow flowers a beauty that will brighten up your garden, they will also attract beneficial insects to your garden with some paint. If you want a climbing plant full of stunning flowers, these flowers are for you! Like other flowers, the beauty of yellow flowers is that they come in a wide variety of shades, from very delicate to vividly vibrant. 1 yellow Mandevilla Yellow Mandevilla is a beautiful vining plant that displays bright, bold trumpet-like yellow flowers. It can reach 8-10 feet and looks stunning on trellises or hedges. 2

Home garden - Some insects are pollinators

 Did you know that these insects are pollinators? They may not get as much attention as bees and butterflies, but they should! Learn more about the 5 lesser-known, but still important, pollinators. Lesser Known Pollinators When you think of pollinators, the European bee and monarch butterfly no doubt come to mind. These species are under stress, experiencing massive population losses, and making headlines; Indeed, we should be concerned about their plight. But they're not the only important pollinators. They all do. Ants, flies, lady beetles, soldier beetles and even wasps perform important jobs in our gardens. I'll show you how to recognize and welcome these lesser-known pollinators. Cross pollination With sustainable gardening, you can help protect all the wildlife in your garden's ecosystem. Eliminating or reducing pesticide applications, making sure these beneficial insects are plentiful enough to eat at the right time, and providing better habitat can help

Flowers windy garden

 10 Best Flowers for Your Airy Gardens Looking for easy-to-grow and bright-growing flowers for your windswept garden? Try growing some of the best flowers here, they have flexible stems that don't sway in the wind and are a beautiful addition to any garden. Growing these flowers in your garden will add positive vibes while bringing more curb appeal to your landscape. For both gardeners, high winds are a problem because areas exposed to wind can make it difficult to grow flowers successfully. But don't let this attitude stop you from growing anything, you can choose the right plants and enjoy growing in airy conditions, and the list here has beautiful varieties for you to consider. We hope you will choose your favorite flowers and grow them in the garden to enjoy their natural beauty. 1 Portulaca This landscape flower is annual and low maintenance, drought and wind tolerant. It stores water in its succulent leaves, so it doesn't need constant watering. It can eas