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protect your vegetable garden from animals

 How to protect your vegetable garden from animals

Gardening is a fun and rewarding hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether you have a large backyard or a small patio, there are many different types of plants you can grow in your garden. Gardening is a great way to get exercise and fresh air. According to the United States Food and Agriculture Organization, insects destroy up to 40 percent of global crops and cause $220 billion in losses. As a gardener, you know that one of the best things about having your own garden is enjoying the fresh vegetables you've grown. But what happens when pesky critters start eating your vegetables? Not only is it frustrating, but it wastes a lot of time and effort.

That is why you should read this article completely. Because in this article, we will discuss how to protect your vegetable garden from animals in 7 simple ways.

1. Fence

One of the best ways to protect your vegetable garden from animals is to fence it. This will create a barrier for animals to cross to get to your plants. There are many different types of fences you can choose from, so choose one that is effective against the type of animal you are trying to keep out.

What type of fencing should be used? The type of fencing you choose depends on the animals you are trying to keep out. Small animals such as rodents can be kept out with chicken wire, while tall fences may be needed to keep deer out.

How to build a fence? There are 5 simple steps to erecting a fence;

Choose the type of fencing you want to use.

Measure the area you need to fence.

Cut the fence to size.

Attach the fence to posts or other support structures.

Make sure the fencing is secure and there are no gaps where animals can squeeze through.

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2. Networking

Another way to protect your plants is to use netting. It can be placed on top of your garden bed or on top of individual plants. Be sure to choose a net with small holes, which will be more difficult for the animals. Netting is very useful to protect against birds.

How to set up a web? Simple steps to follow for netting your plants.

Choose the right type of web.

Place netting over your garden bed or individual plants.

Make sure the holes in the netting are small enough to keep animals out.

Check the net regularly to make sure it is secure and there is no way for animals to get in.

3. Mulch

Mulching your garden will help protect your plants from animals. This is because mulch creates a barrier between the soil and the plant, making it difficult for animals to access the roots. There are many different types of mulch you can use, so be sure to choose one that is appropriate for your climate and plants.

According to a research report by Fact.MR, the global mulching material market is projected to cross $3 billion by 2021 and expand at a CAGR of around 7% over the next ten years, driven by high demand for horticultural and horticultural purposes.

How to mulch your garden bed?

Choose a mulch material.

Spread a layer of mulch around your plants.

Be sure to leave a few inches of space between the mulch and plant stems.

Check the mulch regularly to make sure it is still in place and effective.

Pest control idea 👇

4. Repellents

There are many different types of repellents you can use to keep animals away from your plants. Some repellents are chemical-based, while others are natural. Read labels carefully before purchasing a repellent, as some can be harmful to plants or animals. Natural repellants include garlic, pepper spray, and predator urine.

How do use repellents to keep animals away from plants?

Select the type of repellent you want to use.

Follow the instructions on the packaging.

Apply repellent around your plants.

Reapply the repellent as needed.

Which plant repels animals?

Many plants have a natural ability to repel animals, making them ideal for protecting your vegetable garden from unwanted visitors. Some of the most useful plants that can be used for this purpose are:

Garlic: A strong-smelling herb that repels many animals, including rabbits, deer, and rodents.

Chili Peppers: The active ingredient in chili peppers, capsaicin, is a powerful animal repellent. Be careful not to get any on your skin as it can be very irritating!

Marigolds: These brightly colored flowers give off a strong scent that deters many animals, including rabbits, deer, and gophers.

Basil: Basil is another herb with a strong scent, basil can help keep animals away from your garden.

Rosemary: It has a powerful scent and is particularly effective in repelling rabbits.

5. Plant covers

Plant covers can also be used to protect your plants from animals. These are usually made of mesh or netting and can be placed over plants.

Be sure to choose a cover that is appropriate for the size and type of plant you are trying to protect. Many plant covers have zippers or Velcro closures that make it easy to access plants when you need them.

How to Cover Your Plants in 7 Easy Steps

Choose the type of cover you need based on the size and type of plant you are covering.

If necessary, cut the cardboard to size.

Place the lid over the plant.

If using a mesh or net, secure it with stakes or ties.

If using rigid cardboard, secure it with Velcro or zip ties.

Check the cover regularly to make sure it is still in place and there is no damage to the plant.

Remove the card when you no longer need it.

6. Traps

If you have problems with animals getting into your garden, you may want to consider setting up traps. Trapping animals is a great way to protect your plants from damage. This is a more aggressive approach, but it can be effective in keeping animals off your property. There are many different types of traps, so choose one that is appropriate for the type of animal you are trying to catch.

Some common traps are live traps, cage traps, and snap traps. If you don't know how to set up a trap, there are many resources online, but my recommendation is to read this article by Solutionstores. How to make a cage trap for mice to protect plants? There are some simple and easy steps to set a cage trap for mice.

Choose a location for the trap.

Place the trap where you see evidence of rats.

Bait the trap with rat-attracting foods.

Check the trap regularly and remove captured animals immediately.

Dispose of animals humanely.

7. Scarecrows

Scarecrows are a classic way to protect gardens from animals, and they are very effective! They can be made from straw, wood, or fabric and placed in the garden to scare away birds and other animals. Place a scarecrow in your garden and watch the animals stay away.

It's important to note that scarecrows don't work all the time, as some animals can get used to them. But they can be a tool to help keep your garden safe.

How about a scarecrow? Simple steps to follow to make a scarecrow.

Choose a location for your scarecrow.

Cut a hole in the bottom of a large plastic container.

Cover the container with straw or other material.

Place the container over a post or stake.

Dress up the scarecrow in old clothes and put a hat on its head.

Place the scarecrow in your garden so it faces the animals you're trying to keep away.

Plants start from seed

Small vegetable garden ideas

Colorful garden ideas


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