The first 12 mosquito repellent herbs

Mosquito repellent herbs

Thanks to this list of herbs mosquitoes will no longer bother you. To get rid of these pests in your home and garden, plant them! For those who want a natural solution to prevent blood-sucking insects, here is a list of the best herbs to repel mosquitoes. Grow them and see what happens!

Mosquito repellent herbs:

These excellent mosquito repellent herbs need to be crushed frequently so that the smell of the oil they produce spreads on their leaves. Because of this, the insects do not bother you.

1. Catnip

A chemical component called nepetalactone makes cats one of the most effective insect repellents. The aroma of this herb is ten times more potent than DEET.

How to use

Add the chopped cardamom leaves to a jar of olive oil and shake well. Store in a cool, dark place for 6-8 weeks and apply as a spray or lotion on exposed skin to repel mosquitoes.

2. Lemon

The citronellol and geraniol chemicals found in these plants are very effective in repelling mosquitoes.

How to use

- To repel insects, crush the leaves with your hands and rub them on your skin.

- In a jar boil the lemon leaves and a little water until you know a little color. Let it sit overnight. The next day, turn this into a mister and spray it around your house to prevent pests and create the scent of a vacation spot.

3. Lime basil

Lime basil is a very effective repellent for citrus and strong-smelling pests. Holy basil can also be grown at home (Ocimum sanctum).

How to use

Burn many lime basil and some of its leaves to keep pests out of your home.

4. Rosemary

This herb not only enhances the taste of food but also helps to kill pests. Mosquitoes are repelled by the scent of rosemary leaves and flowers.

How to use

To prevent mosquitoes, all you have to do is burn some dried rosemary leaves in your yard.

5. Lemon Verbena

To prevent mosquitoes, place a lemon verbena plant near entrances or windows. Its citrus aroma is a powerful deterrent to bugs and other pests.

How to use

Lemon verbena leaves can be crushed and rubbed on exposed skin to act as a mosquito repellent.

6. Pennyroyal

Against mosquitoes, pennywort leaves smell like spearmint and are hated. Insect repellents rely heavily on it as an important ingredient.

How to use

The crushed stems and leaves of Penicillin can be used to keep mosquitoes out of your home or out of your pocket.

7. Lavender

linalool, a chemical in lavender, repels 93% of mosquitoes. This is a win-win situation for everyone because everyone can enjoy the scent.

How to use

Use olive or coconut oil to soak the lavender flowers and leaves. Keep in a dark place for some 4-5 weeks. You can use this solution to moisturize and protect your skin from mosquito bites by rubbing it on your skin.

8. Lemon Thyme

This plant is an excellent source of nectar for bees, but it is also a powerful mosquito repellent. It repels mosquitoes 62% more effectively than DEET.

How to use

Crush the leaves and rub them on the skin.

9. Horsemint

This easy-to-grow herb, also known as spot beep, has mosquito repellent properties similar to citronella. Mosquitoes are also expelled by the strong odor of the plant, which confuses them and repels them.

How to use

Apply crushed leaves on your skin to prevent mosquitoes.

10. Baby Sage

Cherry sage has a 60% success rate in repelling mosquitoes and other pests from its garden. In addition, it is one of the simplest herbs to grow.

How to use

Rub on your skin as soon as the leaves are crushed. If you use dried or fresh sage stalks, it helps prevent mosquitoes from coming out of the fire pit or chimney.

11. Hummingbird Mint

Butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds are attracted to anise henna, which is another name for it. Mosquitoes are frightened by the licorice smell of the herb.

How to use

To prevent pests, rub the leaves on your skin.

12. Rue

Insect repellents such as basil and rosemary can be grown to control pests. When mosquitoes come out, use the leaves of the pot plant on your patio or balcony to repel them!

How to use

To prevent pests, crush some leaves and massage them into your skin. Apart from these herbs, you can also grow holy basil and neem. Burn neem tree leaves

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