Improve your lawn in 12 weeks

 How to improve your lawn in 12 weeks

Our meadows are hard in winter. In spring, they may have hollow patches or grown areas of moss or weeds. But, if you still have thin grass, all is not lost - you can restore your lawn to its former glory.

Grass grows whenever the temperature rises above 7 C. As the days get longer and the temperature rises, the beginning of spring is the perfect time to start the lawn recovery program. It does not take much time as the best results come from the 'small and frequent' approach. In the summer you will get a healthy lawn that will withstand the wear and tear of regular use.

Browse our 12 Week Spring Lawn Action Plan below.

Step 1

Give the first cut to your lawn when the weather starts to get hot. Prune first in one direction and then catch the knives you missed. Rub the clippings so as not to crush the young, growing shoots. Clean the edges with a lawn edge.

Step 2

Improve aeration where growth or drainage is poor by pushing a 10-15 cm garden fork into the soil. Stir around it to raise the soil a centimeter or more. Raise the lawn at 15 cm intervals and work backward.

Step 3

If you want a lawn decorated without weeds, dig up dandelions and bananas with one hand. In large areas, you may want to consider using a selected lawn herbicide. When cutting, always in the opposite direction to the last cut, to prevent the formation of a 'knob' (grass will be flat in one direction). Take out as many algae as you can and then apply algae if desired. However, if you want a natural look where bees and other insects can search for food, skip this step.

Step 4

Use a spring-shaped lawn mower to remove dead grass and moss in poorly developed areas. If the lawn is large, deal with a small area at a time or rent a running scaffolder. Collect garbage. Your lawn will be ragged but will heal quickly. The blades are set low.

Step 5

Henceforth, when you mow the lawn, leave the clippings to act as a nutritious mulch to feed the grass. To further help your lawn, you can feed the grass with specific lawn fertilizer. Add granular poultry manure, a spring lawn fodder, or slow-release fertilizer such as multipurpose fodder during a moderate spell. Water in the well if there is no rain on the way. Adjust the edges if necessary.

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Step 6

Fix the blank patches a few days after feeding. Break the soil, scatter the seeds and then spray with compost. For thinner parts, scatter the seeds at half the rate indicated on the pocket and then lightly rake. Cover the newly planted areas with a net to prevent birds from coming.

Step 7

Depending on how good your lawn should be, mow the lawn weekly or every two weeks. Leave the newly planted lawn to germinate, without cutting, and water well. If the weather is dry, you can use a sprayer.

Step 8

Make sure the roots of the recently planted patches are well established. If your saw has a roller, push it over the area where the machine is turned off. Alternatively, gently tighten the grass under the foot. Avoid cutting grass re-planted patches up to 4 cm high.

Step 9

Mow your lawn and trim the edges when needed. After a few weeks, it should be healthy, dense, and even. Repair after heavy use. Loosen the soil surface of the damaged areas with a spring-tinted lawn rack. In clay soils, spike with a fork to reduce shrinkage.

Step 10

Raise the cutting height of the saw in hot, dry weather and water the newly planted areas well. Keep the lawn green by applying a slow-release fertilizer to the installed areas, and add light, diluted liquid sponge fodder to the recently replanted patches.

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