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Cutting and grow 8 bushes

 Cutting and growing 8 bushes + how to do it

Although it may seem easy to go to the gardening nursery and get seeds or young plants, there are other ways to expand your garden or nature appreciation.

The most effective way is to grow your own plants from some of the plants you already have! In fact, growing from cuttings can be very rewarding, providing you with new plants quickly and reducing the amount of money you have to spend overall. Plus, it’s exciting to know you did it yourself, and all of your plants are connected that way! Of course, although most plants can be propagated in some way, not all plants are ideal for use when you want to grow from shrub cuttings. If you want to succeed in anything, many plants require specific types of pruning. We will look at things you need to consider when you want to grow plants, especially shrubs, from cuttings, as well as some excellent shrubs for breeding.

Shrubs you can grow from cuttings

Many types of garden shrubs can be grown from cuttings, including the fifteen below. The ones listed here take root quickly and grow into full-grown and independent shrubs in a relatively short period.

1. Azaleas

Azaleas (autumn) are low-maintenance shrubs that come in a variety of shades of colors rainbow and especially pink, purple, red, and white. Azaleas can be grown in almost any garden and can easily add interest and color. Growing azaleas from softwood cuttings ensure that the new plant looks like the original - the seedlings are a cross between two different plants, so the resulting plant is less compatible with the seedlings.

2. Butterfly bushes

Butterfly Shrubs are some of the best pollinating plants, as the name implies - this attractive shrub will attract butterflies, bees, and other pollinators into your garden and keep all your plants healthy and happy. To propagate, prune the tip of a branch in the spring or summer when the tree is soft.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries are a popular fruit in summer, and these shrubs produce dozens of berries per season. Blueberry bushes can be grown from hardwood or softwood pieces.

4. Grab Myrtle

Grape myrtles are deciduous shrubs or sometimes small trees, variable, moderately dense in shape, and often multi-stemmed in shape.

Grape myrtles produce beautiful flower clusters that range in color from purple to white, pink, and red, and usually bloom throughout the summer and continue throughout the fall. Grape myrtles are most successfully grown from pieces taken during the softwood stage.

5. Elderberry

Elderberries are usually made with delicious ingredients, pies, juices, and syrups and are known for their positive effect on the immune system. The best way to grow elderberries from cuttings is with softwood, taking them in early spring when the plant is finishing its dormant period.

6. Forsythia

Forsythia shrubs are one of the first plants to bloom in the spring, and their bright yellow flowers mark the beginning of a new season and the warmer weather coming soon. Forsythia can be cut in softwood, semi-hardwood, or hardwood stages, making it a very easy-to-propagate shrub.

7. Honeysuckle

Honeysuckles are a desirable shrub, with their beautiful white and yellow flowers, deliciously fragrant and create shade when climbing in the garden. Honeysuckle in general can grow very quickly, so there is no need to spread it; However, you may want to spread it in your garden to help it spread even faster. Honeysuckle is the softwood best cut into softwood or hardwood.

8. Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas vary in color depending on the acidity of the soil, giving them somewhere between blue or pink - or completely different like white! They are beautiful shrubs with stunning flowers that can be easily propagated using cuttings from softwood hardwood or hard wood.

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