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genius ways to protect the garden from pests

protect the garden from pests

Some things are more disgusting to a gardener than the fact that all of their hard work is destroyed by the small mouths and claws of insects. If you are trying to save your precious plants and vegetables from the destructive power of rats, deer, rabbits, and insects, we are here to help.

Read on to see the 10 best ways to keep your garden safe from all kinds of pests!

1. Destroy your garden from temptation

If squirrels, deer, and rabbits enjoy the benefits of your hard work, you need to tidy up the garden space. Pony plants recommend cleaning the underside of bird feed, covering litter lids, and removing fallen nuts and fruits from the garden.

2. Make it less attractive

Cutting tall grass, removing brush piles, and removing nests make it harder for insects to disappear. This should prevent most pests from entering the garden area, the gardener recommends supply.

3. Stink them out

If you know the type of pest that comes into your garden, you can design the scent to prevent the culprit. Common repellents for pests you may not recognize include hot peppers and castor beans. You can also use mothballs, be careful as these are toxic to pets and children.

4. Build a fence

By building a high fence that is buried deep in the ground, you can keep large and medium-sized pests away from your flowers and vegetables. Deer may not be prevented by narrow fences, so you should go upstairs or consider extra security, says Better Homes and Garden.

5. Plant tin foil

A tin foil cap can prevent alien insects from entering your brain, but tearing strips of tin foil and mixing them into the soil can prevent pests. The tinfoil reflects light into the plants, and many bugs stray away from the bright lights, the maid brigade says.

6. Plant wisely

Aromatic plants such as basil, sage, mint, dill, and thyme give off a natural scent that most insects do not like. To protect yourself from interesting inflorescences, plant these near your favorite vegetables.

7. Row covers

A row cover allows you to cover multiple plants without disconnecting them from light or oxygen. This cover works against most pests and some rabbits and deer. You should remove the cover as the plants mature.

8. Get a chicken

For most people, this may not be a viable option, but if you buy one chicken you will get a gift for two. Get the laying hen and you will get natural insect repellent. Chickens like to eat bugs, and you may even have some eggs to cook for breakfast.

9. Change your water routine

Insects and insects are more attracted to moist soil when the sun goes down. Instead of watering your garden at night, aim to moisten the yard in the morning. The chances of the soil drying out and crawling at night will decrease.

10. Web for plants

If you want to keep animals in the bay, install nets or cages on fragile plants such as tomatoes, carrots, and lettuce. Chicken wire or bird nets can be used to protect individual fruits or whole plants.


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