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11 Vegetables that are easy to grow in landscapes

 Vegetables that are easy to grow in landscapes and gardens

When growing a vegetable garden, most of you will focus on planting a variety of annual vegetables, including tomatoes, cucumbers, or lettuce. However, many perennial vegetables provide annual crops of leaves, stems, fruits, roots, tubers, flower buds, or bulbs. In addition to providing a variety of food sources, they also give your landscape a wonderful look with bright colors or beautiful flowers.

In today’s post, we’ve collected 14 easy-to-grow vegetables that will thrive in your landscape and your garden zone. They also have easy growth properties such as resisting pests or improving the soil. There are many reasons to add these perennial vegetables to your garden and landscape, aren’t there? Read on to find them now!

1 Hosta Montana

Hosta Montana is a beautiful and edible perennial vegetable. You can fry them or fry them in the oven, especially with soy sauce and sesame oil.

2 Rhubarb

Rhubarb is one of the easiest plants to grow and you should grow it in the garden. It also has a great color that will help brighten up your landscape. It grows in sun, shade, partial sun, and a variety of soil types.

3 Egyptian walking onions

Egyptian walking onion is a unique perennial vegetable that roams the garden quickly and happily.

4 Ramps

The slopes create pale pink flowers that add charm and charm. Water well and place mulch with chopped leaves.

5 Asparagus

Asparagus is a tough, long-lasting perennial vegetable. It grows best in a sunny garden bed with well-drained soil.

6 Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial vegetable. It shows beautiful small sunflower-like flowers suitable for pollination.

7 Horseradish

Horsetail is one of the hardiest and hardy of perennial vegetables. It is best in full sun and partial shade.

8 Good King Henry

Good King Henry is a hardy plant that yields a double harvest. Its pencil can be used to cut thick shoots like asparagus. The arrow-shaped leaves are then treated like spinach and boiled or steamed.

9 Chinese artichoke

Chinese artichokes grow and return very easily and multiply annually. Its tubers are edible, very tender, juicy, and have a mild artichoke flavor.

10 purple sprouting broccoli

The purple sprouting broccoli will become perennial when planted in the right place to produce an annual harvest of delicious flower buds. It produces many small purple flowers from late summer until early winter.

11 American Groundnut

American groundnut is a vine plant with stylized burgundy flowers that thrives in moist soil. There are plenty of edible parts, including beans and young shoots, but the preferred edible part of peanuts is tubers.


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