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Terrace Garden 3 - Important rules follow

Super ideas follow in your terrace garden


“On that day man lived in a small garden in the forest. Today he grows all the vegetables he needs for his home in a small space. This shows that the home garden is one with humanity. Vegetables are essential for human consumption. Home gardening has become a thing of the past due to the limited space available in today's urbanization. So the gardening method on the terrace of the house is popular. It has grown exponentially over the last ten years. Gone are the days when it first grew into a garden, and today it produces all kinds of vegetables.

There are two main things to keep in mind in terrace gardening. First, you need to see if the stairs are exposed to the sun. Plants grow in sunny places. Second, the terrace garden should be set up so that the floor water does not seep into the house. Third, make sure the plants do not rot after the terrace is set up.

In the terrace garden, you can grow plants in bags, buckets, and everything. But growing in bags made for it can be beneficial. Three-quarters of a foot of space can be left when placing the tank. Be careful when choosing seeds. Native varieties can be sown as much as possible and active varieties can be used for higher yields. Suitable for terrace gardening as red soil crops grow well in different soil types. More vegetable crops can be grown. Tomatoes, chilies, onions, cabbage, and cauliflower should be transplanted. Seeds should be planted by mixing earthworm manure and manure with the soil. A lot of people make a mistake when it comes to pouring water. They pour too much water under the misconception that if they pour too much water, more plants will grow. Depending on the inputs, the amount of vermicompost, emulsion solution, and fish acid can be increased. Also, ginger-garlic solution, panchakavya, neem oil, and nut solution can be used as insecticides for infection. ”

Do not water too much

Purchase store-bought plant bags or pots. Fill the pots with a mixture of salmon, cow dung, vermicompost, foliage, and neem cake. Next, take the required vegetable seeds and sow at the rate of three seeds per pot. Each tank should be lined up with a space of one foot. Vegetable plants should be watered in such a way that the soil is not damaged. Do not give too much water at the same time. If too much water is given, the nutrients in the soil will mix with the water and get out. There is also a possibility of root rot disease. Water twice a day in hot weather. Vegetables need sun. Sprinkle with a ginger-garlic solution when needed. Vegetable waste can be used as fertilizer for plants. After sowing, other seeds can be sown in rotation in the pot.

Place the boards and pots on it so that the water does not stagnate and affect the ground. Plants can be grown not only in pots and bags but also in buckets and water cans. If there is a lot of sun in the summer, you can set up a shade net.

Sowing seeds in the terrace garden

“Care is required when selecting and planting seeds. The bottom of the bag and the tank should have holes for excess water to drain in all four directions. Seeds planted in pots can be taken from mature vegetables. Can be bought in stores and planted. The sowing seed is even more special as it is the native seed. It is sufficient to plant at a depth of twice the shape of the seed. After that, cover with soil. It is very important to transplant crops like eggplant, tomato, and chili,. Seeds of betel, radish, bean, and lettuce should be sown directly. Spray water immediately after planting the seeds. Do not walk too deep in the tank. ”

July - August is important not only for agricultural lands but also for our home garden and terrace garden. Many will be setting up a new garden this season. Many people are confused as to what to do first to start a terrace garden. Many people think that it costs tens of thousands of rupees to set up a home garden a terrace farmer, said, “Those who do not have space to set up a home garden can set up a terrace garden. Some said, `I spent many thousands and planted terraces. But there is no proper yield, no growth. ' First and foremost the garden should be one that we set ourselves up for our need. It is not necessary to keep 50 plants at a time in the desire to set up the terrace garden.

Easy-growing plants such as tomatoes, curry leaves, and cantaloupe can be grown first. The plant is child-like. Everything should be clear from the time of watering to the time of composting. It is dangerous to give too much or too little. First You can set up a garden with frozen plants. With those experiences, we can increase the number and variety of plants. Everything from gardening to the application of fertilizers requires attention in a garden setting. Plants do not have to be grown in beautiful pots. Can be grown in anything like a broken jug, bucket. Just make sure there are no leaks in it to get rid of unwanted water.

Focus on all things like soil mixing, seed treatment, natural fertilizers. Household waste can be composted. When you have complete clarity on how to grow plants, all kinds of houseplants, such as vegetables, fruits, and flowers, will thrive in your backyard. "


“Fertilizers used for the terrace are good as bio-fertilizers and natural fertilizers. In case of pest infestation in the terrace garden, herbicides can be mixed and sprayed. Panchakavya can be sprayed for plant growth. Neem oil solution can be mixed with water to prevent worm infestation deep in the roots. ”

Preparing the planting pot

“Pots should be filled with salmon, coconut fiber waste, vermicompost, cow dung, bio-fertilizers, and neem cake. Coconut fiber waste retains soil moisture completely and,, protects the plants. Too much can cause root rot in plants. Shrimp, vermicompost, cow manure, and bio-fertilizers also provide essential nutrients for the growth of crops. Neem cakes prevent diseases and kill germs. ”

Related Link - How to set up a home garden


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