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Organic farming Let's do it - 1

Research vision and scientific fact!

Can be used to make and destroy atoms. Science is like an atom ... understanding it and giving it various benefits if it works. Unintentional activity can often have the opposite effect. This applies not only to chemical farming … but also to organic farming. Natural agriculture is also scientifically based. If it is understood and implemented, it will be used as a role model. In this series, we are going to look at natural agriculture as a science.

Natural agriculture is a system of agriculture that combines with nature. In ancient times agriculture was our only occupation. We do not know of any other profession. Natural agriculture is the only agriculture practiced by man since the time of. It was not until the middle of the twentieth century that an artificial farming system was introduced. The Green Revolution was introduced to alleviate hunger and starvation. Through it, we became accustomed to using mixed varieties and chemical inputs. Today we are self-sufficient in food production. We also export to many countries. But, the price we paid for it ... was the vitality of our soil. The golden soil becomes sore due to the use of more than the recommended amount of chemical inputs. The cause of the Green Revolution cannot be escaped. We should also be responsible for pouring more chemical fertilizers into the soil than recommended in the interest of seeing higher yields.

Every milligram of chemical fertilizer over the recommended dose and every milligram of pesticide can pose a risk to the soil and man. The world is running after money and is now looking for health as well. Three out of 10 people are sick. One hundred years was the norm at that time. It is rare to see people of that age now. The root cause of all diseases today is eating habits. The foods we eat have become poisonous. It is only now that awareness has come to the people. They are looking for non-toxic food. But, quality material is not so easily available in the market. In this condition, natural agriculture has become a necessity of the times

The use of urea, superphosphate, and potash fertilizers in synthetic fertilizers in India in 1950-51 was 69,000 tonnes. It was 2.03 lakh tones in 1960-61, 22.56 lakh tonnes in 1970-71, 55.15 lakh tonnes in 1980-81, 125.46 lakh tonnes in 1990-91, and 173.53 lakh tonnes in 2000-2001. , 261.22 lakh tonnes in 2010-11 and 272.28 lakh tonnes in 2018-19. We think everyone should switch to organic farming. However, the use of synthetic fertilizers is increasing year by year. At the same time, the comforting news is that the number of nature farmers is increasing year by year.

Organic farming practices

Sustainable, sustainable, non-environmentally friendly, all scientific farming activities are called `natural agriculture '. Natural agriculture involves agricultural activities that do not affect the community, the farmer's economy, or the environment. Organic farming practices are all activities that do not contribute to the physical, chemical, or biological structure of the soil.

Do not buy any inputs from outside in organic farming. Agriculture should be done using the waste available from the farm. To reduce the cost of production. Not everyone can say, `I do organic farming too '. Must have a basic scientific understanding of what materials should be added to. Everyone should know about the functionality of the input. When lands that have been chemically cultivated for many years are converted to subsistence farming, there will be a yield loss of up to 30 percent. It takes six to 10 years, depending on the nature of the land, to switch to fully organic farming.

We say that the soil has become sterile due to the application of chemical fertilizers. One must understand the scientific fact in this. No matter what fertilizer we put in the soil, many times the crop will not take it as it is. The only fertilizer we can put in is the rice that is needed to feed the crops. Do we eat rice ... do we eat only rice ... that is the condition of the crop.


That is, nitrogen fertilizers in the form of ammonia are converted to hydrated ammonia and then to nitrate by the enzyme urease. All crops can only take in nutrients in this nitrate form. Bacteria such as Nitrosomonas, acetobacter, and rhizobium are the microorganisms that produce the urease enzyme that causes this change. These beneficial microorganisms in the soil are the cooks that make the rice we pick up and give to the crop. Fertilizers that fall into the soil are converted to take up the crop. No matter what input we give, the crop will take on a natural form. Crop in artificial form is not always taken (80-90%). You have to understand this.

As a result of using more chemical fertilizers than recommended, we killed the cooks in the soil. Now the crop could not take in even after pouring tons of fertilizer. In this case, the use of vermicompost, cow dung, ammo solution, or whatever is given is not benefited or delayed due to lack of staff to replace it. At the same time, the process of re-creating these unpaid workers is only possible through subsistence farming.

Mandan is the basic source of everything. The physical, chemical, and biological structures of the soil are such that ‘agriculture without knowing the nature of the soil is equal to treatment without knowing the nature of the ulcer’. Beneficial organisms will only survive if they are uniform. Once upon a time, there were five trillion beneficial microorganisms in a square foot of soil. But today there are not even 5,000 microbes.

We need to immediately transform the structure of the soil into a habitat for those beneficial microorganisms. Apply earthworm manure, cow dung, and humus manure. Thus increasing the spacing between the soil particles. Ventilation is available. Microbes multiply. Beyond all these structures the soil must contain organic matter (carbon). This requires the cultivation of crops that can stabilize the organic matter present in the atmosphere in the soil.

Humble foliage, when applied to the soil with natural fertilizers, will stabilize the organic matter in the soil. Research has confirmed that "yield increases when carbon dioxide accumulates in the soil".


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