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Natural onion cultivation tips

Two degrees for onions

“For green onions, samba degree (from Anne to Avani month) and Kuruvaipattam (Ipasi to Thai month) are the two best (he has planted onions in samba degree). If samba is to be sown, the lambs should be plowed and plowed at the end of the month of Vaikasi. If sowing in the spring, the shepherd can set up and dry at the end of the month. After plowing in the month of Ani for samba cultivation and in the month of Ipasi for Kuruvai ... On the day of plowing the beds should be 10 feet long and 5 feet wide. 60 cents will come up to 250 beds per acre. Watering should be done immediately after taking the bed, burying three-quarters of the onion in the soil so that the head is above and water. Continually, water on the 4th and 9th day. Then watering is sufficient depending on the soil moisture. Weeding should be done on the 20th and 40th day after planting.

Neem solution

Scabies can strike at any time from the 10th day after planting to the time of harvest. If the disease strikes, the tip of the onion will look white and dry. Worms burrow into the sheet and affect the onion yield. The disease is more prevalent in chemical cultivation. Infection is less likely to occur naturally. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. Spray this solution only if the sheet appears to be dry.

For shine, fish amino acid

On the 15th day after planting, mix one liter of ambrosia solution with 10 liters of water and spray. On the 30th day mix one liter of disinfectant with 10 liters of water and spray. On days 45 and 60, spray 300 ml of fish amino acid per 10 liters of water. Chemicals are sprayed with a chemical compound to add color and shine to the onion. However, spraying fish amino acids will naturally give it a pink color and shine. Onions can be harvested on the 70th day. ”

Storage Workshop

Onions can be set up and stored in workshops when prices are not high. Seed onions can also be stored in the workshop. The workshop should be set up on the east-west side. If the workshop is set up north-south, the sun will shine on the onions. Onions also need ventilation. It is better to set up the workshop in the shade of wood. Lay the bricks at a height of one foot from the floor and on top of it ... two and a half feet wide at the required length, stacked vertically across the gable poles. Put dry seedling, coconut husk, or palm leaf on it. Onions should not be stored in the workshop immediately after harvest. If there is moisture in the paper the onion will rot. Harvested and dried in the field for 4 days, the first day should be three and a half feet and the second day 2 feet. Stack up to a height of two feet and stack in a conical shape no more than two feet. After stacking in the workshop, cover the onion with a palm leaf or sack. Onions can be stored for up to 7 months in this workshop.

Not just for food but for medicine

The chemical ‘aphrodisiac potential’ in onions is highly aphrodisiac. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Adding garlic to the diet daily prevents the formation of kidney stones. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Eating onions will relieve constipation caused by body heat. Chives also have anti-cancer properties. It repairs cell death and cell degeneration caused by smoking, air pollution, and autism.

Natural Method Onion Cultivation Tips

Applying onion regularly will give more nutrients to the ulcer. The cost of weeding is also high. Setting up two courses will reduce the cost and reduce the workload.

The plow should be driven to a depth of three-quarters of a foot in the selected land.

Install the spray pipe to a depth of one and a half feet at 20-foot intervals.

The sprinkler opening should be 3 feet high. It is enough to set an opener at a distance of 20 feet. Dig a hole 4 feet wide, 25 feet long, and three-quarters of a foot deep and set aside on both sides.

The inside of the pit should be dug with a shovel and dug.

Then fill the pit to a height of half and fill it with sorghum husk, sorghum husk, and leaf litter and apply manure on it.

Then spread the topsoil. The canopy is now three-quarters of a foot above the ground.

The beds should be arranged in rows at intervals of 2 feet like this.

Multipurpose seeds including jute, auri, rye, maize, sesame, green lentils, and flat lentils should be sown in beds in equal proportions. A total of 15 kg of seed is required for 75 cents of land.

Castor seeds should be sown at the rate of one seed per 10 feet spacing for all beds.

Mix 7 liters of ammo solution in 70 liters of water once in 20 days and spray on the bed with a sprayer.

In two months many bowls of cereal will have grown to a height of about 4 feet.

Without disturbing the castor plant, only multi-grain crops should be uprooted and spread throughout the bed.

Put rye, sesame, and corn husks on it and cover it half a foot apart and plant one seed onion.

It is enough to sit down to press on the lid.

Spray the emulsifier solution as you would for polythene.

If weeds germinate within a month of planting, they should be removed by hand.

Small onions can be harvested on the 70th day after planting.

Yield 75 cents to 4500 kg of onions. The net profit to go to the cost was Rs 64,000.

Ways to control leaf blight attack on small onions

Alluvial soil with good drainage is best for this crop. Onion cultivation is very difficult in clay soil. The season is April, May, and October, November. The land should be plowed well 2 or 3 times. 45 cm during the last plowing. Bars should be set at intervals. Apply chemical fertilizers at the rate of 12 kg N, 24 kg H and 12 kg ash and 26 kg urea, 150 kg superphosphate, and 20 kg potash per acre. Also, place medium-sized well-dried onions 10 cm down the slope on either side of the bars. Have to walk at intervals. Water on the 3rd day after sowing and once a week thereafter. Weed when needed. Apply urea fertilizer at the rate of 12 kg N / acre 30 days after onion loss. Small onions attack various diseases and cause yield loss. The leafhopper attack causes great loss to the farmers. Insects appear pale yellow during the onset of the disease. The leaves become white patches as they are absorbed by the leaves. The leaves wither from the tip. To control this, spray Methyl Tomato 200m or Phosphomidon 200m / acre. Farmers should avoid over-fertilization and over-planting.

Also, the onion fly will lay eggs in the crevices in the soil during the attack. The small white worms that come from them will eat the rotting stalks and onions in the ground. To control this, mix one ml of Propanophos 50 EC in one liter of water and spray. 15 days before harvest, spray the crop germicidal control agent Mallictrazide at the rate of 2.5 ml per liter of foliar feed. Doing so can increase the storage time of onions. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Then store in well-ventilated rooms. Thus higher yields can be obtained in shallots.


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