
Home gardening ideas 6 - wall garden

 Easy wall garden

Currently, mural gardening is becoming popular in cities like Bangalore and Mumbai. Plants can be grown by attaching handrails or ladders to the home wall at appropriate intervals such as jars, wide-mouthed containers, and plastic buckets. To prevent the nails from hitting the wall and the water pouring into the plants from leaking onto the wall, you can place hardboard or wooden planks the size of a wall and place pots in it. For these, it is better to pour water through a small glass. Currently, only ornamental plants are grown in large numbers in this type of wall garden. There is no doubt that future space shortages will enrich the wall garden vegetable cultivation.

Timer Irrigation

It is not possible to irrigate the home garden promptly. They will not have time for that. An alternative technology is 'timer' irrigation. A plastic tank with a capacity of at least 200 liters should be placed at a suitable height in one corner of the floor. Take the main pipe from it and put holes in it on both sides and attach the microtubes as per the crop and put them in separate pots. If the timer is set on a timer mounted in a plastic pot, enough water will flow to the plants as needed. It is battery-operated. Those who can afford it a little more to go can fit a motor starter powered by a cell phone. It can be operated from anywhere. “The seeds needed to set up a home garden should be native. New gardeners can look for those who already have a home garden and obtain quality seeds. Addresses of pioneer farmers are available by inquiring at the nearest Agricultural Horticulture office. You can also get native seeds from them. In addition, you can buy the ingredients needed to make Panchakavya, an herbal insecticide. In today's fast-paced life, the average person loses his normal life due to work, insomnia, busy travel, hard office work, stress, and physical exhaustion. Unnecessary anger due to stress and expressing harsh words. The simplest and most effective solution is gardening.

Dr. Benjamin Rush, the signatory to the United States Declaration of Independence and the so-called Father of Psychiatry in that country. In 1798 he published a discovery. The medical discovery is that treating people with mental illness through horticulture can improve their mood. Today, horticulture is one of the most widely accepted forms of medicine in developed lands. Those who visit the gardens daily find peace of mind, freshness, and clarity. Older people experience improvements in physical strength, agility, and clear vision. Home gardens help mentally ill children to understand nature through watching, touching, consuming, and tasting. Also, home gardening is a wonderful way of giving people attention, new technology mindfulness, problem-solving, memory, and social interaction in the joint family. It gives us non-vegetarian vegetables and seeks value in the community. So, let's set up a home garden. Let's cook the world without pain ”

Office Spinach For Sale Stunning! Government office mixing terrace. This is an area where you can learn the techniques needed to grow non-toxic vegetables at home. Here are some tips and tricks that people with experience in home gardening can share.

Plants in a bamboo basket

“The district administration has trained us in all aspects of soil mixing, planting, composting, and pesticides. Usually use plastic bags, bags and earthen pots to grow plants in the home garden. We use whole bamboo baskets. Therefore, the plants get good ventilation. Instead of just placing bamboo baskets on the ground, we built a ladder-like structure and heated it. So that the bottom of the basket is not damaged when water leaks.

Lettuce, vegetables, herb

A total of 750 baskets. Spinach, spinach, spinach, spinach, 10 types of greens for sale in Ponnangkanni; Eggplant, chili, beans 10 kinds of vegetables; We grow 10 varieties of herbs for messenger, freeze-dried, and groundnut. There are also cereals like rye, maize, and cardamom. We also grow fence, bitter guard, bottle guard, and Zucchini vine crops, “We will plant the seeds in each basket filled with 15 kg of soil, 5 kg of dung, 5 kg of goat manure, 5 kg of leaf litter, 5 kg of coconut fiber and 5 kg of earthworm manure. After planting, we spray Panchakavya twice a month. The greens come to harvest in 22 days. We grow 300 baskets of lettuce because there is a lot of sales potential for it. ” Completely speaking black paper, “Sprinkle with lettuce seeds and spray daily with lukewarm water. On the 10th day of germination, take the weeds and spray Panchakavya. That’s what lettuce farming is all about. On the 22nd day, the ‘jam’ will grow lettuce. Harvesting, packing and buying ‘Office Lettuce. Office Lettuce’ is not enough on the street. In ten minutes the spinach arrow will be empty. Not just lettuce. This is how we sell papaya harvested pods. ”

Bamboo basket

The plants are grown in these baskets which are available from 75 rupees. These are suitable for terrace gardening as the root growth of the plants is good. Since bamboo baskets are more durable than polythene bags, home gardeners can focus on bamboo baskets. This will also help the bamboo basket weavers.

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