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Home gardening ideas 5- Income Opportunities

 Home Garden Income Opportunities

This is an area where you can learn the techniques needed to grow non-toxic vegetables at home. Here are the things and techniques shared by experienced gardeners in the magazine Home. We have looked at past experiences and techniques of pioneer home gardeners in past issues on simple home gardening methods. Following that, ‘Here are some guidelines on setting up a home garden and how to produce cooking gas from kitchen vegetable waste,’ 

Time is of the essence

“It is not enough to be interested in setting up a home garden. Allocate time for that. Do we have a chance at that? The garden should be set up after deciding whether. If left unmanaged, they can be left astray and lose the right path. And the home garden can be divided into two types. One is a backyard garden set up on the ground floor. The other is the terrace garden where the plant grows in pots. A backyard garden can be set up if there is enough space and soil on the ground floor of the house. Those who do not have enough space can choose the terrace. After setting up the garden we need to know which vegetables will grow well for the climatic conditions of our area and cultivate it only. Conversely, one should not be tempted to grow plants that are not at all suitable for the area, such as mountain vegetables and exotic plants. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person and will not result in disease. Some people try to do this as an experimental effort. No one is 100 percent successful. So it is enough to plant native vegetables.

Do not bring all the available plants out of curiosity and walk without a break. Can we produce vegetables only for the needs of our family. or set up a garden to give to relatives and friends. No Can we sell home garden vegetables outside and make money? Clearly plan and set up the garden accordingly. Adequate water supply should also be ensured. In the home garden, some people grow a variety of herbs along with vegetables. Although this is welcome, it is important to know the medicinal properties of the herbs and how to use them. In short. We only need to grow useful plants. Water wastage can be avoided by avoiding unwanted plants. Even ornamental plants, in particular, should be avoided. These will also waste our time.


Gas in the kitchen sink

Waste, including dried leaves and water, should be used properly in the home garden. Along with these, kitchen waste can be used to make natural fertilizers and use them for home gardening. If you get 5 kg of waste per day. you can use it to produce biogas. This saves up to 30 percent on cooking gas costs. Subsequently, compost can be made from the waste leaving the biogas plant. On the ground floor, those with floor space can produce biogas. Gas containers and plastic bags are widely available in stores. With a home garden, we can keep one or two honey boxes and harvest the honey our family needs. Neighboring pollination by bees results in higher yields of all flowering plants.

Business Opportunities

Housewives with good experience in home gardening can take training and classes with women's self-help groups, apartment associations, educational institutions, and various social welfare organizations. There will be substantial incentives for that as well. For those who want to set up a new home garden, the garden can be set up and the maintenance can be done and the income can be seen. We can produce and sell seeds for home gardens ourselves. You can see the income from growing and selling seedlings in the pits. Home gardeners can also earn income by making natural inputs, including vermicompost, herbicides, and Panchakavya. ”

The time to come, the time of nature

“Awareness about home gardening is spreading fast. Even new home builders are developing a design for setting up a terrace home garden. In 5 more years, there will be a garden on every terrace of the house. It is more likely to grow entirely natural vegetables. If the time to come is the time of nature, it will not be too much, ”he said. This is an area where you can learn the techniques needed to grow non-toxic vegetables at home. Here are the things and techniques shared by experienced gardeners in the magazine Home. “Ideal for those who want to put more pots in less space on the ground, the garden. The floor should be 5 to 7 feet high with rigid wires fitted lengthwise from one sidewall to the other wall. It may even have one to five wires at appropriate intervals. For those who want to make it even simpler, the fabric can be set up like a rope tied to a wound. For this, it is better to use thick nylon ropes to tie the truckload. In it, the tanks should be hung at arm's length. Plants can be grown in hanging plastic buckets, special containers for sale, used grease, and oil cans. A quarter of the height of the growing pot should be filled with concentrated coconut fiber and a mixture of vermicompost and Azospirillum. Make 5 holes around the bowl with the thumb on top of the area where the mixture is. Then, the desired seeds should be sown in five numbers. Five plants emerge through the five holes and spread the branch to give yield.

Plants suitable for Hanging basket 

Only small-leafed plants such as tomatoes, beans, mint, and lettuce can be grown in the orchard. Through the side holes of the bucket hanging on the hook the branches of the plant fully emerge and bear fruit downwards. In between, flower arrangements should be made as usual. As with any other ground tank, maintenance is required. Plants usually resist the force of gravity and grow upwards. However, as orchids grow downwards, the complete nutrients absorbed by the roots are available to the plants. Thus, the number of pods will be higher than other plants. Greens give similarly high yields.

Wall Garden

We will build a handrail wall around the terrace for protection. Green blankets can also be grown on that handle wall, which is about 2 to 3 feet wide. It is available in polythene bags 3 feet high, half a foot wide and 10 feet long filled with concentrated soil mixture. You can put a hole in them and plant lettuce seeds. When sown at half-intervals, 20 plants can be grown in a 10-foot-long bag. It is best to set the stand so that the long bag on the handle wall does not fall down. The floor can be set up like this on the four outer handle walls. Due to the rapid growth and low evaporation of water in these sacs, there is not always permanent moisture and root attack. Weeds will not come. Of these, only plants with small roots, such as lettuce and coriander, can be grown. Also, instead of plastic bags, put a hole half a foot deep in the trunk of a cut banana tree, fill it with soil mixture and grow greens that will yield in a short time. The moisture in the banana stalk is sufficient for the growth of the plant. Only one of these can be harvested. The next planting cannot be done as the banana stem dries up.

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