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Chili Natural Agriculture

‘Jackpot’ Beating Chili! - Natural techniques to lend a hand!

Chili is one of the crops that gives a ‘jackpot’ to the vegetable farmers. But chili is no exception to pests and diseases. If not maintained properly, it can become infected and affect the yield. Knowing the uniqueness of each crop and the causes of pests and diseases scientifically … If the required nutrients are given through natural inputs, the yield can be harvested without any hassle. “There are two types of chili, samba, and Kundu. The most widely cultivated variety is the PMK-1 variety released from the Paramakudi Research Station. In addition, farmers are cultivating certain varieties in their respective areas. Sivagangai bomb, Ramanathapuram bomb, Road village bomb, Ilayankudi bomb, Thoothukudi bomb are also local varieties. Each of these has some differences in shape.

K-1 and K-2 samba chili varieties released from Kovilpatti Research Station are for frying use. Co-1, Co-2 and Co-4 varieties released from Coimbatore Agricultural University are suitable for use as green chilies. In addition, the university has released a hybrid variety suitable for both uses, green chilies, and curries. Type PKM-1 released from Periyakulam Research Station is suitable for inland districts and type Balur-1 released from Balur Research Station is suitable for coastal areas. All the varieties published from the above research institutes except the hybrid variety are country varieties. Only private seed companies sell active varieties of seeds in the market.

Water should not stagnate

“If there are native chili varieties to be cultivated in the one-hectare area, one kg (400 g per acre) of seed is required. In the case of hybrid varieties, 250 gm (100 gm/acre) of seed is sufficient. Although chilies can be grown all year round … January-February, June-July, and September-October are the best seasons. Chili is a drought-tolerant crop. The land under cultivation should have a drainage facility. Water stagnation can lead to root rot.

Planting as seedlings

The bed should be three feet wide and half a foot high. The length can be adjusted as required. In the nursery, the soil should be well-boiled so that it is ‘very loose’ … by removing and balancing the material like stone. Then draw a line with your finger in a row so that there is a gap of ten centimeters in the bed … Sprinkle the seeds on that line and spread the soil. Then, the nursery beds should be covered with straw and sprayed with water by the florist. Seeds begin to germinate within seven days of sowing. Then the straw should be removed. Can be planted in the field after watering and maintaining in the nursery for up to 25 days.

In a modern way …. seedlings can be produced in the pit. Mix 5 kg of neem cake, 1 kg of Azospirillum, and 1 kg of phosphobacteria with 300 kg of coconut fiber waste. Take one and a half kg of this mixture and fill the pits in the pit. Then, sow as a seed in a pit. The sown pits should be stacked one on top of the other and the top tray should be inverted. On the tray above, water should be sprayed continuously through the florist. Seeds germinate in seven days. Then take out the trays, put 50 percent shade in the hut, and spray with water for twenty days. Then you can take and plant. Seedlings will grow well if sprayed at the rate of 5 ml Panchakavya per liter of water on the 15th day after sowing during the growing season.

Bake before the last plow

More attention is required in preparing the land for chili cultivation. In the case of natural agriculture, the ‘save before it comes’ method is the best. Fodder is essential for natural agriculture. Apply 10 tons of manure per acre and plow. The land should be plowed well … 100 kg of neem cake per acre should be sprinkled and a bar should be set up after plowing. Thus, rooting can be prevented. The bar should be set up and the seedlings should be planted at a spacing of two and a half feet per row and two feet per plant.

High nutrient green manure

“Inputs should be placed on the 20th, 40th, 60th, and 80th days after planting. Good yields can be obtained only by applying compost continuously. Earthworm manure, coir waste manure, sugar mill waste manure Natural ingredients are excellent. If the earthworm is compost, apply 500 kg per acre of land at a time. If coconut coir waste is compost then apply one ton each. If the plant waste is compost, apply 1,200 kg each time.

If chicken manure is to be used … it should be used after cooling for one year. Otherwise, the plants will wither. Poultry manure should be poured to a height of 1 foot in one place and watered once a month. Doing so will reduce the amount of ammonia. Then dry well and use. If the chicken is manure, 300 kg per acre is sufficient. Apart from these, green manure fertilizers like jute and garlic can also be used as compost. Apply humus green manure at the rate of 400 kg/acre each time. Green manures contain about one times more foliar, manure, and ash nutrients than vermicompost.

15th-day focus

The 15th day after transplanting is the most important in chili cultivation. Then each plant will have ten leaves. At that time, the leaves are not high in chlorophyll, so insects do not come. At that time, that is, the 15th day after planting, mix five ml of neem oil and a little khadi soap in a liter of water and spray on the plants. This is the most important thing. The aroma stays on the plants for the next fortnight. Thus, sap-sucking insects such as leafhoppers and aphids do not infest the crop. Spray the neem oil solution once again at intervals of 15 or 20 days. Do not spray too much as this will prevent pests from coming. If sprayed too much, the chemical ‘Azadirachtin’ in neem oil will make the plants infertile. Therefore, spray only in the recommended amount. After flowering, spray neem oil once a month.

Flowers bloom from the 35th day after planting. Full bloom by 55 days. There will be more flowers in natural agriculture than in chemical agriculture. But with good credit, you might find exactly what you need. Only when the hormone Auxin is naturally produced in the plant can the plant produce healthy leaves. Plants bloom only when the production of auxin is reduced and the hormones ‘cytokine’ and ‘gibberellin’ are produced. This is when the plant age. Yield can be given only by the mature plant. Thus, within 35 to 55 days after transplanting, the plants need to produce more of the hormones cytokine and gibberellin. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly. Thus, yield loss occurs.

Therefore, growth stimulants are necessary to increase the levels of the hormones cytokine and gibberellin. Indole Butyric Acid and Naphthalene Acetic Acid can stimulate their growth. Research shows that both are found in Panchakavya. Therefore, if the plants do not bloom for more than 35 days, spray Panchakavya. Mix 200 ml of Panchakavya per 10 liters of water and spray. Do not add more than this amount. Similarly, do not mix any insecticides including Panchakavya with neem oil. Thus, reactions occur and the purpose for which we spray is unsuccessful. You can also spray Panchakavya to keep the flowers from falling off. The pods will be ready for harvest on the 40th day after the flowers appear. 

Samba for export

In districts like Sivagangai, Ramanathapuram, Thoothukudi, and Virudhunagar, ground chili is cultivated under rainfed conditions. Samba chili is cultivated in all parts of Tamil Nadu. Chili contains a secondary chemical called Capsaicin Oleoresin. This is what causes alkalinity. It is on the skin of the chili, in the middle axis. Because samba chili is long, it is high in this chemical. As the length of the middle axis in the stew pepper is less, this chemical will be less. Stewed chilies are often used as an ingredient in spice factories. Mostly not exported. High in salt, samba chilies are exported.

Since chili is a tropical crop, it can be cultivated only in countries like India. However, the demand for it is high as salt is added to food all over the world. In cold, non-chili countries, chilies are imported, oleoresin is extracted from the oil, and the oil is stored for seasoning.

Not so with chili and onions

Chili should not be cultivated as the next crop in the field where maize is cultivated. This can lead to diseases including rooting. If Agathi is planted in a row of 15 rows in the chili field, the plants will be protected from the sun. Similarly, the onion should not be cultivated as an intercrop to chili.

Fruit rot disease

One of the major diseases affecting chili plants is root rot. Rooting can be prevented by applying cake in the field and preventing water stagnation. Next is bird's eye disease (fruit rot disease). Dasakavya is good medicine for this. Take one kg of the bulk of the leaves of plants like goat dindapala, pungan, adathodai, noci, erukkan, kolunci, put them in a container, and pour enough cow urine to soak them for 10 days. Then take one liter of this solution and mix it with five liters of Panchakavya and let it soak for 25 days. Take 300 ml of this solution and mix it with 10 liters of water and spray it. As an alternative to the above leaves, only basil and neem leaves can be used in one kg.

In winter the leaves appear white with a ‘powdery’ coating. For this, you can sprinkle garlic and onion solution. In chili crops, zucchini is the serotonergic agent for pests and diseases. Take one kg each of eucalyptus leaves and pods and soak in one liter of cow urine for ten days. Take one liter of solution from it, mix in 5 liters of Panchakavya and soak for 25 days. Then take 300 ml of this solution and spray it in 10 liters of water to control all kinds of pests.

Leaf curl disease

Plants usually need more greens to produce food during flowering and fruiting. Therefore, more leaves are formed. As the leaves increase, so do the insects. At that time, we must protect the crop by adopting proper maintenance practices. Leafhopper and yellow parasites are the most common attack on the leaves. The leaf sits on the chili leaves and rolls the leaves upwards. If the leaves curl upwards and look like cups it will attack the leaf.

Neem oil is a good remedy for leaf blight. It is important to note that neem oil should be sprayed as soon as the leaves begin to curl. After the attack is over, spraying does not get many benefits. If more than 50 percent of the leaves are curled, it cannot be controlled by any chemical pesticide.

The yellow parasitic spider curls the leaves downwards. An herbal insecticide can be used to prevent yellow parasite attacks. Alternative spraying of herbal insecticides and neem oils made from the leaves of plants such as goat dandelion, adathodai, erukkan, and pungan can repel yellow parasites.

Chili to reduce joint pain!

We use chilies for spicy flavors in flavors. Oleoresin, which causes alkalinity, is high in calcium. It is a good remedy for osteoporosis, joint pain, and joint problems. That is why they have introduced the practice that we should continue to use chilies in our diet. Andhra Pradesh has the lowest incidence of osteoporosis in India. The reason is that they use a lot of chilies.

Related link 

Disease management in chili 


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