
Terrace garden 1 - top ideas for maintenance

 Terrace garden maintenance

 The nutrients and growth given by rainwater to the plants do not match the fertilizer given from outside. Soaking the plants in the rain will give the plants growth. Generally, there are only three ways to eat natural vegetables. One is to do organic farming, the second is to get natural agricultural produce directly from farmers, and finally to produce natural vegetables through terrace or home gardening. Most of the city dwellers in these ways are following the final way terrace vegetable growing. The practice of landscaping is becoming more and more popular with most people. The seasons on the terrace vary depending on the summer, rainy season, and winter. The terrace garden should be set accordingly. Now that the rainy season has begun, the terrace garden needs to be properly maintained. If you follow a few things during the rainy season you can harvest a plethora of vegetables to grow in your backyard.

Rainy season maintenance

It is more important to maintain the terrace during the rainy season than at other times. The terrace garden should be kept clean during the rainy season. Dispose of unnecessarily scattered soil, leaves, and foliage in the terrace garden. Because they retain rainwater. This can cause any damage to the floor.

The terrace garden is usually set up in June and July. So the whole tank is just now filled with fertilizer. No need to worry if the soil mix and fertilizer will dissolve when it rains. During the rainy season, most of the organic matter in the tank does not escape. Similarly, care should be taken not to allow too much water to stagnate in the newly growing seedlings. Seedlings are more likely to rot due to stagnant water. During the rainy season, the plants start to dye automatically. Then it will be fine again in the sun. It is better not to give inputs and fertilizers like panchakavya and fish acid during the rainy season. They are more likely to dissolve during the rainy season. Avoid placing pots directly on the ground during the rainy season. Instead, you can put boards and put pots on them. If the boards are not available the bricks can be stacked and pots placed on them.

To protect the plants from the rain, a tarpaulin can be used to protect the plants. Care should be taken not to allow too much rainwater to accumulate on the floor. Only then will it be convenient for rainwater to overflow. No matter how well the plants are cared for during the rainy season, the damage to the plants will do little. Hanging garden to escape the rain, you can set the stage with PVC pipes and put pots on it. Bags should not be crowded during the rainy season. The space between the bags is very important. When too many bags are squeezed, the disease is more likely to spread to other plants. Similarly, if the tanks are pressed, the moisture will delay drying. Do not water during the rainy season. Humidity is a bit high during the rainy season. During the rainy season, the plants should be inspected and watered. Watering can be done even twice in the summer. Water-repellent paint can hit the floor. This will prevent water from leaking inside the site when laying on the terrace. The nutrients and growth given by rainwater to the plants do not match the fertilizer given from outside. So soaking the plants in the rain will give growth to the plants. With all these in mind, you can successfully harvest vegetables if you set up a terrace garden.

 Important Things Not To Do In The Terrace Garden!

The purpose of the terrace garden is to produce vegetables naturally. So do not use chemical fertilizers on the terrace for any reason. In today's fast-paced world and crisis, it is best to have as many home-grown vegetables as possible. It does not require space per acre. If the terrace is enough. The place can produce the required vegetables and greens. It is enough to set aside some time every day for that. New gardeners should not do house-damaging work that is the only way to plant a terrace. When gardening, care must be taken not to damage the house.

 Not to Do in the Terrace

Absolutely avoid setting up the terrace in the summer. June and July are the best months to set up a terrace garden.

Do not just fill the pot with soil and place the seeds in the interest of setting up the terrace. Pots are the basis for a terrace garden. So mix one-part salmon, one part sand, one part natural manure, or vermicompost in equal proportions. If the mixture is not sown immediately after preparation and dried for 7-10 days, the microbes will start working. After this sowing can be done. Plants also give good yields.

Bags should not be placed directly on the site. Can be placed on a polythene rug or wooden board set or not. Avoid squeezing bags as well.

When pouring water on the terrace, avoid pouring enough water to stain the tank. This is very wrong. Just watering the plants is enough to keep them hydrated. When too much water is poured the root rots. Similarly, the plants can be watered twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Do not pour water during the hot afternoon. Doing so will cause the plants to wither quickly.

Although it is not a habit to maintain the terrace daily, the plants should be maintained at least once a week. Care should be taken to ensure that the plants are free from infections and pests. If pest infestation is high, it is better to dispose of the affected plant parts.

Neem oil-like inputs should not be sprayed too much in the name of plant care. The plant is likely to wither.

In addition to ornamental plants, essential vegetables, spinach, herbs, and flowering plants should be grown. The water wasted on ornamental plants and nutritious vegetables and greens can be obtained.

Do not grow other trees in the terrace garden (except the plant drumstick). Trees are at risk of collapsing due to wind speed and are not good for the building. At the same time, short-lived figs and mangoes are also available. They can also be grown on the terrace.

Plants that grow at lower temperatures in the terrace can be kept in a shady area and plants that need sun can be placed in the sun. Some people grow all the plants in a sunny area.

The purpose of the terrace garden is to produce vegetables naturally. So do not use chemical fertilizers on the terrace for any reason.

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