
New Natural Techniques for High Yield in your home garden

 New Natural Techniques in garden 

Many superstitions abound that natural agriculture cannot produce high yields and control pests. on the other hand, has been proven that natural agrochemicals can achieve enhanced benefits by injecting simple changes in natural solutions. natural fertilizer production methods that give the best yield in organic farming. The specialty of these is that everyone can make this fertilizer at home with the materials that are normally available.

Use of antibiotics in crop protection

Camphor solution for powdery mildew

The moth is capable of destroying an entire crop. It cannot be easily chased away. Even with the use of chemical pesticides, it is difficult to completely eradicate the mealybug. The solution to getting rid of this pest is the 'camphor solution'  Properly mixed with neem oil, cow dung, camphor, turmeric powder, and lime powder, the moth can be controlled within three hours. Depending on the type of crop and the type of pest, the type and amount of chemical pesticide will vary. However, a camphor solution can be applied to any crop. Get relief from all pests. Not only that, the camphor solution not only acts as a pesticide but also as a fertilizer. Anyone can make this instantly as needed. Various farmers have already benefited from this. It costs only 150 rupees per acre to produce.

Enhanced nectar solution (amirthakaraisal)

The role of bacteria in agriculture is essential. It is the ‘enhanced nectar solution’ (amirthakaraisal)   that gives it to the soil. 30 kg dung per acre (cow/buffalo), 10 liters of cow dung, 2 kg of seaweed, 10 bananas, 2 kg of jaggery, 1 large yellow pumpkin, 1 liter of yogurt. Take these. Mix all these together like a pulp, pour 50 liters of water in it, and soak for 5 days. Stir well once daily. From the sixth day, it can be taken as required and used in the field. Thus rice grains are like well.

The fish acid solution  to withstand drought

He has also made some changes as the fish acid commonly used in natural agriculture has not yielded enough. Fish acid normally contains 50 percent fish gut and 50 percent fat. The new method he has discovered is completely different. Take 10 kg of the native fish intestine, 13 kg of jaggery, 5 bananas, and 1 liter of yogurt per acre. Put jaggery first, then fish, then banana and yogurt. These are edible items and should be kept safe from access by dogs, rats, and ants. "After a few days, you will get fish acid that looks like honey. If this is used in the field, the crop will grow well. This fish acid gives the crop drought tolerance and makes the crop yield delicious ”,

Earthworm compost is essential

Camphor solution, enhanced nectar solution, fish acid, etc. are well-nourished and protect the plant from disease. But without earthworms, agricultural development would not be complete. “Normally 1 acre of earthworm manure should be applied. The first 500 kg should be placed during planting, the second 500 kg during the growing season, and the third 500 kg when the rays begin to appear outside the range. If this method is followed, the yield is guaranteed, ” With these improved techniques the high yield harvest in organic farming is guaranteed

Use of antibiotics in crop protection

The use of chemical pesticides pollutes the environment and destroys many beneficial insects that live in nature. Furthermore, the residual toxins left by these drugs are harmful to humans and other organisms. Therefore the crop should be safe, not polluting the natural environment, not resistant to pests and diseases, and not destroying beneficial pests and microorganisms. But the use of biological antibiotics does not cause such a situation disorder. In addition, resistance to pests and diseases does not appear. As well as increasing crop growth and yield. For Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the integrated crop protection method of paddy is to mix Pseudomonas aeruginosa at the rate of 10 gm/kg seed soak in the required amount of water overnight and then drain the water. Pour the distilled water into the nursery. Mix 2.5 kg of Pseudomonas bacteria in 2.5 sq m of nursery water and soak the seedlings for at least half an hour per hectare. Placing increases its effectiveness. 30 days after transplanting, 2.5 kg Pseudomonas bacteria per hectare should be mixed with 50 kg of well-composted manure or sand. Pseudomonas aeruginosa sprays 0.5 percent solution three times at intervals of 10 days 45 days after planting depending on the severity of the disease.

Using Pseudomonas aeruginosa spray Pseudomonas aeruginosa 0.2% solution three times at intervals of 10 days depending on the severity of the disease. For Pseudomonas aeruginosa, groundnut, sesame, sunflower, cotton, and pulses should be treated with 10 g of Pseudomonas bacteria per kg of seeds mixed with 50 kg of well-composted manure or sand per kg of seed before sowing. Also important are the genus D, Vridi, and D Horcianum, of the genus Trichoderma. It plays an important role in stimulating crop protection and growth. For Trichoderma application, 4 g of Trichoderma fungicide per kg of seed should be mixed and then sown for control of seedling and seedling infestation in vegetable crops such as tomato, eggplant, chili, cantaloupe, and pumpkin. For root rot and blight in vegetable crops, 2.5 kg Trichoderma mixture per hectare mixed with 50 kg of well-composted manure or sand should be applied in the ground before sowing. Also, 2.5 kg of Trichoderma fungus mixture should be mixed with the required amount of water and the seedlings per hectare should be soaked in the mixture for at least 30 minutes and then transplanted.

For tuber rot, 4 g of Trichoderma viride should be mixed with turmeric seeds for tuber rot. Also, apply 2.5 kg Trichoderma fungicide per hectare in the field with 50 kg of well-composted manure or sand before planting. Trichoderma fungicide should not be mixed with other fungicides and pesticides. This fungal mixture should be used within four months of preparation. This fungal mixture can be mixed with other bio-fertilizers. This fungus controls only a few pests. It is an economical method that increases the growth and yield of the crop. It controls the spread of fungus through seeds and soil. This enhances the immunity of the crop. It multiplies many times over using minerals in the soil and provides long-term protection to the plants. Apart from this, it does not cause any harm to the creatures and the earthworms in the garden.

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