
Importance and use of natural fertilizers

Natural fertilizer:

Getting proper nutrition through your diet does not have to be complicated. You can make such natural fertilizer yourself. These fertilizers can give more energy. To further fertilize the soil, natural wastes such as cow dung, leaves, foliage, manure, and sheep manure are composted into the soil. These are also natural fertilizers. There is also composting by dumping the accumulated garbage every day and pouring the wastewater. This is called compound manure or compost.

Bran, husks, spoiled vegetables, rotten onions, shredded vegetable waste, fruit and vegetable skins, bones, meat, waste, edible banana leaves, fallen leaves, foliage, tomato skins, curry leaves, etc., from paddy and rice. Natural manure is made available to people with flowers, straw waste, accumulated garbage, goat, cow, poultry, and waste.

Types of green manure crops:

Pacific Rosewood, Gliricidia, Ipomoea carnea, alfalfa, perennial ryegrass, lucerne, sainfoin, red clover white clover, Coccinia Grandis, fenugreek, mustard, lupins, vetches, buckwheat, crimson clover, sweet clover, Persian clover

Types of green manure crops:

Jute, Chives, Chives, Zucchini, Flaxseed, Auri, Kalapakonium, Coriander, Legumes. Therefore the good aspects of traditional agriculture should continue to be implemented.

Foliar fertilizer requirement:

If paddy is cultivated in our traditional agriculture, a lot of foliage should be planted in the field, compacted in mud, plowed, left for 15 days, propagated, and then planted.

In today's advanced agriculture, the cultivation of this foliar fertilizer is not included at all. Like the paddy farmers of yesteryear, we too have sprouted in the outlying lakes and along the roadsides.

Natural Fertilizer

Plants like Erukku, Avarai, Auri, etc. should be cut and the leaves should be collected as compost and put in the field. Poovarasu, Vadanarayanan, Neem, Autothora, Chloricidia, Ipomoea (Railway Kadamani), and plants from adjacent forests, vines should be collected from the foliage or purchased by cart and placed in the planting field as an important cultivation task. Apply foliar fertilizer and try farming. It is no longer necessary for all our farmers to realize the need for foliar fertilizer and resume the practice of compulsory foliar application.

Green manure:

Paddy cultivation involves plowing the land 70 or 80 days before planting in paddy fields with adequate irrigation facilities, sowing the seeds of 60-day-old green manure, and composting the soil 15-20 days before planting to meet the requirement of foliar fertilizer. Normally 40-60 day old crops like Jute, Flaxseed, Suspenia, Chives can be grown as green manure. In the fields of Cauvery Delta, one week before the harvest in December and January, the seeds of black gram + green manure can be sown.

With the residual moisture in the field after the paddy harvest, the sorghum should grow rapidly and be plucked by hand only 60 days after the completion of the crop. The slow-growing turtle will remain in the field. With the help of low humidity, summer rains grow well, densely, and like a lot of foliage.

When preparing for the next paddy planting in June and July, these Kavala plants can be plowed into the soil and composted. We can use the barren land efficiently in the summer and turn it into a land of high-yielding gold.

The benefit of natural fertilizers

Natural fertilizers such as vermicompost, composted manure, coir waste, compost from weeds, sugarcane manure, and composted manure are being known, manufactured, and used. Cow and goat dung is used as the best compost after composting.

Blough Natural Fertilizer

‘Where there are no bulls the barn will be empty. The strength of the bulls is what brings the most, 'said the ancestor. The natural scientist Nammazhvar said, "Every farmer should raise cows and bulls." This idea is being echoed by many farmers. So buy cows. Plowing with bulls. They make vermicompost with dung and sell it for self need. Large fertilizer companies make and sell natural fertilizers such as urea mixed with neem oil and neem paste.

Use of Natural Fertilizers:

The cost of cultivation is reduced. Net profit increases. Soil fertility is better preserved and superior. The use of only natural fertilizers increases the number of beneficial insects and microorganisms (bacteria) in arable lands. Crops naturally acquire pest and disease resistance. This can be done by reducing the spraying of chemicals and pesticides and gradually leaving. Crops absorb nutrients easily as soil structure is not difficult. Balanced crop growth and quality yield are available. The environment is clean. Non-toxic crops are available with natural fertilizers. Feeding them produces healthy offspring. Fertilizer cost is reduced as farmers make their own natural fertilizers.

To further fertilize the soil, natural wastes such as cow dung, leaves, foliage, manure, and sheep manure are composted into the soil. These are also natural fertilizers. There is also composting by dumping the accumulated garbage every day and pouring the wastewater. This is called compound manure or compost.

Types of natural fertilizers:

1. Animal manure or manure

Animal waste or livestock waste can also be used as natural manure. This type of waste contains many nutrients required for plant growth.

2. Green manure

Green Manure 

During a crop, the nutrients in the soil are applied by the crop and to compensate for the depletion of the soil, another crop can be planted in the field and after the crop has grown, the soil fertility can be increased by plowing and mixing with the soil. Thus when plants are used as compost, it is called green manure.

3. Compost Collective

The compound is a specific type of natural fertilizer that represents composted organic matter. It may contain organic/organic compounds such as manure or manure and green manure.

Nutrients such as nitrogen in biomass are degraded with the help of bacteria, added to the soil, and composted into natural fertilizers. This natural fertilizer is used by plants and plant growth occurs.

Plants use the energy from sunlight to photosynthesize nutrients. Nitrogen stabilization also occurs in plants with the help of certain bacteria.

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